ESXi console / shell

ESXi is a custom kernel. Typical IR tools which are designed for Linux kernels are going to fail.

Management via SSH needs to be enabled via the web interface prior to being accessible via the CLI. To enable it, go to https://hostname:/ui/#/manage/services and search for SSH (TSH-SSH) and enable it.

After connecting via SSH, you'll be droped into a shell. It's a cutdown/customised BusyBox shell. Note: SSH authorised keys are here /etc/ssh/keys-root/authorized_keys

Common log file locations

A lot of incident response scripts (UAC for example) will attempt to identify the kernel of the operating system based on the output of uname -a or lsb_release -a.

[root@localhost:~] uname -a
VMkernel hostname.domain 7.0.3 #1 SMP Release build-19193900 Jan 11 2022 15:57:16 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 ESXi

UAC execution/triaging on an ESXi hypervisor. If you're using UAC v2.1.0 or earlier, it will fail unless you specify the kernel using the '-s' switch.

[root@localhost:~] ./uac -p full /output-directory -s linux

Hash functions still exist on ESXi (md5sum, sha1sum, sha256sum, sha512sum) Imaging can be done via dd Compression can be done via gzip

The following is a list of the commands available on ESXi 7.0 RC3

[root@localhost:~]          esxtokend                    net-lbt                      stty          esxtop                       net-stats                    sum
Xorg                         esxupdate                    netdbg                       summarize-dvfilter
[                            expr                                   sync
[[                           false                        nfcd                         tail
amldump                      fgrep                        nfsStats                     tar
apiForwarder                 filter-modified-files.pyc    nicmgmtd                     taskset
apply-host-profiles          find                         nohup                        tcpdump-uw
applyHostProfile               nologin            
applyHostProfileWrapper      gdbserver                    nslookup                     tee
ash                          generate-certificates        ntp-keygen                   test
authd                        getAccessToken               ntpd                         time               getty                        ntpq                         timeout
awk                          gpuvm                        od                 
backup-check                 grabCIMData                  openssl                      touch                    grep                         openwsmand                   tpm2emu
basename                     gstorecli                    pam_tally2                   tracenet
bootOption                   gunzip                       partedUtil                   traceroute
bunzip2                      gzip                         passwd                       true
bzip2                        halt                         pcpu-exec-stats              udpTraceLogger
cat                          hbrfilterctl                 pcscd                        uname
chardevlogger                head                         pgrep                        uniq
check_serial                 hexdump                      pidof                        unlzop
chgrp                             pigz                         unzip
chkconfig                       ping                         updateProductLockerPolicy
chmod                        hostd                        ping6                        uptime
chown                        hostd-probe                  pkill                        usleep
chvt                              pktcap-uw                    uwstats            hostdCgiServer               pmemGC                       vdf
cim_host_powerops            hostname                     powerOffVms                  vdq
cksum                        hwclock                      poweroff                     vdu
clear                        indcfg                       printf                       vi
cmmds-tool                   inetd                        prop_of_instances            viewAudit
configstorecli               init                         ps                           vim-cmd
cp                           init-launcher                ptpd                         vm-support
crond                        initSystemStorage            pwqcheck                     vmdumper
crx-cli                              python                       vmfs-support
crypto-util                  install                      python3                      vmfsfilelockinfo
cut                          io-stats                     python3.5                    vmkbacktrace
date                         ioinsight                    python3.8                    vmkchdev
dcbd                         irqinfo                      randomSeed                   vmkdevmgr
dcui                         jumper2                      readlink                     vmkdump_extract
dcuiweasel                   jumpstart                    reboot                       vmkerrcode
dd                           kdestroy                     remoteDeviceConnect          vmkflames.pyc
df                           kill                         reset                        vmkfstools
dhclient-uw                  kinit                        resize                       vmkipcrm
diff                         klist                        rhttpproxy                   vmkipcs
dirname                      less                         rm                           vmkiscsid
dmesg                            rmdir                        vmkload_mod
dnsdomainname                lldpnetmap                   rollbackUtil.pyc             vmkmkdev
doat                         ln                           rpcfg                        vmkperf
dosfsck                      loadESXEnable                runInRP                      vmkping
du                           localcli                     sandboxd                     vmkramdisk
echo                         lockfile                     sched-stats                  vmkvsitools
egrep                        logchannellogger             schedsnapshot                vmtar
eject                        logger                       scp                          vmtoolsd
enum_instances               login                        sdrsInjector                 vmware
env                          ls                           secpolicytools     
esxcfg-advcfg                lsacpi                       sed                          vmware-toolbox-cmd
esxcfg-dumppart              lsof                         sensord                      vmware-usbarbitrator
esxcfg-fcoe                  lsom-stats                   seq                          vmware-vimdump
esxcfg-hwiscsi               lspci                                vmx
esxcfg-info                  lsud                         setsid                       vmx-buildtype
esxcfg-init                  lsusb                        sfcbd                        vmx-debug
esxcfg-ipsec                 lzop                         sh                           vmx-stats
esxcfg-module                lzopcat                      sha1sum                      voma
esxcfg-mpath                 mcopy                        sha256sum                    vprobe
esxcfg-nas                   md5sum                       sha512sum                    vsantop
esxcfg-nics                  mdir                 vscsiStats
esxcfg-rescan                memstats                             vsi_traverse
esxcfg-resgrp                mkdir                        sleep                        vsish
esxcfg-route                 mkfifo                       slpd                         vvold
esxcfg-scsidevs              mknod                        smartd                       watch
esxcfg-swiscsi               mktemp                       smbiosDump         
esxcfg-vmknic                mmd                          snmpd                        wc
esxcfg-volume                more                         sntp                         wget
esxcfg-vswitch               mtools                       sort                         which
esxcli                       mv                           ssh                          who                    nc                           ssl_client                   xargs
esxgdpd                      net-cdp                      stat                         xkbcomp
esxhpcli                     net-dvs                      storageRM                    xz
esxhpedit                    net-lacp                     strace                       zcat
[root@localhost:~]          esxtokend                    net-lbt                      stty          esxtop                       net-stats                    sum
Xorg                         esxupdate                    netdbg                       summarize-dvfilter
[                            expr                                   sync
[[                           false                        nfcd                         tail
amldump                      fgrep                        nfsStats                     tar
apiForwarder                 filter-modified-files.pyc    nicmgmtd                     taskset
apply-host-profiles          find                         nohup                        tcpdump-uw
applyHostProfile               nologin            
applyHostProfileWrapper      gdbserver                    nslookup                     tee
ash                          generate-certificates        ntp-keygen                   test
authd                        getAccessToken               ntpd                         time               getty                        ntpq                         timeout
awk                          gpuvm                        od                 
backup-check                 grabCIMData                  openssl                      touch                    grep                         openwsmand                   tpm2emu
basename                     gstorecli                    pam_tally2                   tracenet
bootOption                   gunzip                       partedUtil                   traceroute
bunzip2                      gzip                         passwd                       true
bzip2                        halt                         pcpu-exec-stats              udpTraceLogger
cat                          hbrfilterctl                 pcscd                        uname
chardevlogger                head                         pgrep                        uniq
check_serial                 hexdump                      pidof                        unlzop
chgrp                             pigz                         unzip
chkconfig                       ping                         updateProductLockerPolicy
chmod                        hostd                        ping6                        uptime
chown                        hostd-probe                  pkill                        usleep
chvt                              pktcap-uw                    uwstats            hostdCgiServer               pmemGC                       vdf
cim_host_powerops            hostname                     powerOffVms                  vdq
cksum                        hwclock                      poweroff                     vdu
clear                        indcfg                       printf                       vi
cmmds-tool                   inetd                        prop_of_instances            viewAudit
configstorecli               init                         ps                           vim-cmd
cp                           init-launcher                ptpd                         vm-support
crond                        initSystemStorage            pwqcheck                     vmdumper
crx-cli                              python                       vmfs-support
crypto-util                  install                      python3                      vmfsfilelockinfo
cut                          io-stats                     python3.5                    vmkbacktrace
date                         ioinsight                    python3.8                    vmkchdev
dcbd                         irqinfo                      randomSeed                   vmkdevmgr
dcui                         jumper2                      readlink                     vmkdump_extract
dcuiweasel                   jumpstart                    reboot                       vmkerrcode
dd                           kdestroy                     remoteDeviceConnect          vmkflames.pyc
df                           kill                         reset                        vmkfstools
dhclient-uw                  kinit                        resize                       vmkipcrm
diff                         klist                        rhttpproxy                   vmkipcs
dirname                      less                         rm                           vmkiscsid
dmesg                            rmdir                        vmkload_mod
dnsdomainname                lldpnetmap                   rollbackUtil.pyc             vmkmkdev
doat                         ln                           rpcfg                        vmkperf
dosfsck                      loadESXEnable                runInRP                      vmkping
du                           localcli                     sandboxd                     vmkramdisk
echo                         lockfile                     sched-stats                  vmkvsitools
egrep                        logchannellogger             schedsnapshot                vmtar
eject                        logger                       scp                          vmtoolsd
enum_instances               login                        sdrsInjector                 vmware
env                          ls                           secpolicytools     
esxcfg-advcfg                lsacpi                       sed                          vmware-toolbox-cmd
esxcfg-dumppart              lsof                         sensord                      vmware-usbarbitrator
esxcfg-fcoe                  lsom-stats                   seq                          vmware-vimdump
esxcfg-hwiscsi               lspci                                vmx
esxcfg-info                  lsud                         setsid                       vmx-buildtype
esxcfg-init                  lsusb                        sfcbd                        vmx-debug
esxcfg-ipsec                 lzop                         sh                           vmx-stats
esxcfg-module                lzopcat                      sha1sum                      voma
esxcfg-mpath                 mcopy                        sha256sum                    vprobe
esxcfg-nas                   md5sum                       sha512sum                    vsantop
esxcfg-nics                  mdir                 vscsiStats
esxcfg-rescan                memstats                             vsi_traverse
esxcfg-resgrp                mkdir                        sleep                        vsish
esxcfg-route                 mkfifo                       slpd                         vvold
esxcfg-scsidevs              mknod                        smartd                       watch
esxcfg-swiscsi               mktemp                       smbiosDump         
esxcfg-vmknic                mmd                          snmpd                        wc
esxcfg-volume                more                         sntp                         wget
esxcfg-vswitch               mtools                       sort                         which
esxcli                       mv                           ssh                          who                    nc                           ssl_client                   xargs
esxgdpd                      net-cdp                      stat                         xkbcomp
esxhpcli                     net-dvs                      storageRM                    xz
esxhpedit                    net-lacp                     strace                       zcat

Last updated